Friday, August 30, 2013

Tips & Tricks

Today I will be doing a little bit of a tips
and tricks kind of thing.
The topic is:

Tip 1- Have a Bake Sale!

This is probably one of the most fun things to do.
Just get a basic cake mix, set up a card table, make some signs,
and you have a bake sale! You will be surprised at how
much you make. At our last bake sale, we made
over $25! If you made that much 5 times, you
would have an American Girl doll in no time!

Tip 2- Do Chores

You can ask your parents to do chores around the house!
I find it more fun to challenge myself when doing this.
For instance:
Simply ask in a polite tone "If I clean my room in
less than 10 minutes can I please have a few dollars?"
(I have a room the size of a California King sized bed)
If your parents are anything like my parents, they
love to take challenges.

Tip 3- Babysit

If you want to babysit, I have an extremely helpful tip that will make the 
parent feel a lot better. Get CPR certified.
 Also, try not to be like the Brooks sisters. They had troubles.
You can pass out fliers, or make business cards. I found a great thing
on American Girl's website for doing stuff like that. Click Here.

Tip 4- Where to Keep the Money

You can keep your money in a piggy bank with a label 
on it, or make a keepsake box for it.
Once you're ready to purchase, go ahead and take it out of a
 special hiding place! 

I hope that these tips helped! 

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I've tried to save up for an AG, or a nothing from American Girl, but I never get around to doing anything with the money, so it just goes into my non-AG savings.


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